Allowable Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Expenses
CTEI Grant Request Form (Print Version): to be used if you want to write the information in by hand
CTEI Grant Request Form (Type Version): to be used if you want to type in the information and then print the form
Perkins Grant Request Form (Print Version): to be used if you want to write the information in by hand
Perkins Grant Request Form (Type Version): to be used if you want to type the information and then print the form
Please send complete CTEI audit documentation to Shelly Dunn.
Please send copies of the Perkins request forms with vendor information and quote to EFE #330. EFE #330 will complete the purchase.
Contact Shelly Dunn or Nick Elder at EFE #330 with any questions.
Please submit the request forms to your Principal/CTE grant contact for approval
Mini-grants are available for teachers who earn an approved industry-recognized certification. Please contact Nick for more details.