CAREER resources
- Career Cruising is an online career development system. This program is offered to all students in the EFE #330 region at no cost through an agreement between EFE #330 and Parkland College.
Useful CTE Websites
- National Research Center for Career and Technical Education - Organization committed to providing evidence-based solutions to the problems confronting CTE today. Core issues include Programs of Study, curriculum integration, retention and completion and accountability and assessment.
- Perkins Collaborative Resource Network - This website is a resource and information-sharing portal. It includes information on current CTE legislation, grants and accountability data as well as resources for developing and implementing rigorous, state-of-the-art career and technical education programs.
- National Association of State Directors of Career & Technical Education Consortium
- Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
- Learning that Works for America - Website of the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium. Provides definitions, research, and videos to explain the importance of CTE.
- Mike Rowe - The host of Dirty Jobs talks to Senate about the need for skilled labor.
- College Degree Should Not be Sole Focus for Americans - Written by the International Business Times staff in February of 2011; this is an article which focuses on a report released by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.